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Weather Facts for Highlands County, FL

by | Dec 6, 2022

They call us the Sunshine State, but we are so much more than that!

Granted Florida has tons o’sunshine and that’s the way we like it.  Snowbirds flock south every year to avoid the snow, cold and ice of the grey Northern Winters.  For example, on average, there are 158 sunny days recorded per year in Niagara Falls, New York,  a recognized Wonder of the World.


In Lake Placid , Florida , we average 255 sunny days per year. That’s OVER THREE MONTHS of extra  sunshine you’re missing  if you don’t live here. I think that makes us a Wonder as well!

We’ve got restaurants, sports, shopping, entertainment, dozens of outdoor activities and a booming economy that’s great for young families , retirees and everybody in-between.  And  it’s all taking place in a lush, green paradise you can call home!

Here are the statistics for some areas in Highlands County:

Lake Placid

Average high temperature: 84°

Average low temperature: 61°

Average annual precipitation: 52.3 inches

July is the warmest month and January is the coldest

The lowest recorded temperature was 13 ° in 2001

Avon Park

Average high temperature: 85°

Average low temperature: 61°

Average annual precipitation: 50.76 inches

August is the warmest month and January is the coldest

The lowest recorded temperature was 18 ° in 1981


Average high temperature: 83°

Average low temperature: 61°

Average annual precipitation: 49.09 inches

July is the warmest month and January is the coldest

The lowest recorded temperature was 18 ° in 1981

You can see it DOES get really cold once in awhile, so when you move here, keep one heavy(ish) coat for those rare days!

Get started today and give us a call. If you want property to build upon, a home, a condo or even a business locale…we can help.

Paradise is waiting! (And so are we! Call!)  863-659-4777

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